JoJo*Miyake will be just starting as a photo artist into the world.


English below.




そこで、作品の質を高め、伝わる作品に仕上げるためにはプロの鑑賞者からの批評が欠かせないと考え、今年4月半ばに開催されたKYOTOGRAPHIE 2023のインターナショナルポートフォリオレビューに応募し、一次選考を通過して、5名のレビュワーからのフィードバックを得た。



「Congratulations!! もう発表できる段階にありますか?(まだ制作途中だが発表できる状態にはあると思うと回答)では、ドキュメントをまとめておいてください。今後、個人的に連絡を取り合っていきましょう」





Since last year, I have been working on my artwork in earnest as an artist. Since the theme is not strictly family photos, I will use the artist name JoJo*Miyake.

In case you are wondering, Miyake is my mother's maiden name, and JoJo is a phonetic reading of JoJo (丞助). And, to make a long story short, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki, of whom I have been a big fan since elementary school, also has a mysterious connection.

By the end of last year, I had decided that my work had reached a certain level of form, and I had actually entered it in several competitions toward the beginning of the year, but the results were disastrous.

Therefore, thinking that critiques from professional viewers would be indispensable to improve the quality of the work and make it more communicative, I entered the international portfolio review for KYOTOGRAPHIE 2023 held in mid-April, passed the first round, and received feedback from five reviewers.

As a result, it was highly acclaimed by a very big reviewer who represents Europe...not only that, but he even said, "There are many people in Europe who are waiting for this story, and you should complete it as a dummy book and publish it as soon as possible."

In early June, I also attended a portfolio review by Jim Casper, co-founder and editor-in-chief of lensesculture, a global photography website (a media platform for discovering new talent in contemporary photography with an estimated 3 million subscribers and followers worldwide).

I also attended his portfolio review and asked for his reaction, which was also met with unexpectedly high praise.

He said, "Congratulations!  Are you ready to present this work?  (I replied that I thought it was still in the process of being produced but ready for presentation). We'll be in touch privately in the future."

I was even told to go to ..........

I must take this chance, no matter what it takes.

So, apparently, I am on the brink of making my world debut as a photo artist. I am very busy right now with my daily life and the production of my artwork.

......... but, well, I am doing fine.