デジタル写真入門 Vol.1 モニタを買うならEIZO一択 / Introduction to Digital Photography VOL.1 If You will Buy a Monitor, Choose EIZO ColorEdge Only


I have been out of touch with trends in the computer/camera industry for a while, so I decided to write this article to update my own information and to help those who are interested in getting serious about digital photography as of October 2023.

By the way, there are no affiliate links.

The most important equipment is a monitor

In conclusion, the most important equipment is the monitor, whether you choose a Mac or a Windows PC. Recently, it is said that you can get a 4K 27-inch monitor for less than 40,000 yen, but before you buy one, I strongly recommend you to read this article.

Many photo geeks and camera geeks are always excitedly reviewing new cameras and lenses when they are announced or released and bragging about their purchases, but they tend to mysteriously ignore the important thing, the monitor.

But think about it, what is the device on your equipment that displays your digital photos the longest? Without a doubt, the PC monitor. These days, smartphones and tablets might be the same.

In digital photography, the display is unquestionably the most important piece of equipment, even more so than the PC. If a high-end lens or camera is sitting in your closet unused, you should sell it and buy a high-quality monitor.

There are some professionals who are not afraid to say, "Colors will vary from monitor to monitor anyway.", but I do not trust such people at all, no matter how excellent their skills and sensitivities are, or even if they are the biggest names in the world of photography.

It is the same as saying that the "color" of their own work is unimportant. What kind of professionalism does such a person have?

EIZO ColorEdge series monitors are the only choice.

If you are going to start digital photography in earnest, the ColorEdge series of EIZO (formerly NANAO), the pride of Japan in the world, is the monitor of choice. Recently, a Taiwanese manufacturer called BenQ seems to be doing well, too......

EIZO monitors have been used by professionals in the printing, design, and medical industries since the 1990s. Once costing no less than 150,000 yen, EIZO monitors can now be purchased for as little as 50,000 yen, and even those with 99% Adobe RGB coverage cost less than 100,000 yen.

Moreover, the 24.1-inch entry-level model sells for about 60,000 yen, making it a super bargain. The only disadvantage is that the color gamut is limited to sRGB, but this does not affect approximately 95% of users.

To briefly explain, there is a color space in digital displays. There are several standards for how precisely colors found in nature can be reproduced digitally. These include sRGB, Adobe RGB, ProPhoto RGB, DCI-P3, and others.

The sRGB standard has the narrowest color space among them, but conversely, it is a color space standard that is universally applicable to all devices, including PCs, smartphones, and tablets

Some enthusiasts and geeks may complain, "AdobeRGB is not supported!", however, all the photos you see on the web are sRGB. No matter how hard you try to develop RAW files, the final output is almost always sRGB, except for printing and publishing.

Unless you want to sell your digital photos for at least several tens of thousands of yen, preferably more than 100,000 yen, framed with perfect control by a very high-end printer, or unless you have the expertise or need to control the color of printed materials at work, you can safely ignore this color gamut issue.

Calibration tool that is useful to have one.

However, for this entry-level monitor, you will need to purchase an additional calibration tool. This costs about 23,000 yen at Amazon, etc. You can also purchase a set at the EIZO Online Store. This is combined to adjust and optimize the ambient light and monitor color.

The CG series of high-end ColorEdge monitors also have a built-in calibration tool. However, such models, like the CG2420Z shown here, are expensive, with the price rising as high as 180,000 yen.

Also, if you want to color manage another display, such as a MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, or iMac, for example, you will need a separate calibrator such as the aforementioned SpyderX.

Simple Color Management to Printers

The current ColorEdge series offers some amazing advantages over the price. Users are provided with Quick Color Match software free of charge. What is amazing about this tool is that it automatically performs simple color management for printers.

By the way, if you want to do full-scale color management for your printer, you will need a calibration tool that costs at least 50,000 yen (including the aforementioned SpyderX calibration tool). The tools used by professionals in the publishing and printing industry cost more than 300,000 yen in total.

To make matters, EIZO's genuine monitors come with a 5-year manufacturer's long-term warranty. The durability is unparalleled. I have been using an EIZO CX271 for about nine years now, and I still have almost no problems. Of course, there is some degradation over time, such as loss of color saturation, but it is at a level where there is no problem in normal work.

Note that the FlexScan series, also by EIZO, is inferior in quality in that it procures low-priced LCD panels from external suppliers.

I hope you now understand how excellent EIZO's ColorEdge series is and how cost-effective and wonderful it is.

Whether you choose a Mac or Windows PC, a notebook or a desktop or tower model, there are more important things to consider.

At the very least, if you are serious about digital photography, regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur, the monitor you should install is EIZO's ColorEdge.

EIZO's ColorEdge is the best in the worldyyyyyy !!!!

I am not Stroheim from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1, but EIZO's ColorEdge series of color management monitors is the lone and strongest monitor that makes me want to shout like that, and whether you are a professional or an amateur, if you want to display digital photos correctly It is indispensable if you want to display your digital photos correctly.

If you also want to do high-quality video editing, you will need a high-end model that is not only Adobe RGB compliant but also DCI-P3 compliant or BT.2020 compliant, but for digital photography "only," the entry model is sufficient.

If you apply the depreciation method, a monitor with a purchase price of 50,000-100,000 is very inexpensive. Please be careful not to lose money buying cheap goods.

How many of your photographic equipment have been in use for 5 or 10 years? Considering this, EIZO monitors are inexpensive! EIZO is the only choice for monitors! Please remember that.











モニタはEIZO ColorEdgeシリーズ一択


EIZOのモニタといえば、1990年代からすでに印刷会社やデザイン事務所、医療業界などその道のプロ御用達の超高級モニタ。かつては決して15万を下らない代物でしたが、今や5万円台から購入できます。Adobe RGBカバー率99%対応でも10万を切ります。


簡単に説明すると、デジタル表示における色空間(カラースペース)というものがあります。自然界にあるカラーをどれぐらい精細にデジタルで再現するか、いくつかの規格があります。それがsRGB、Adobe RGB、ProPhoto RGB、DCI-P3等々です。




ColorEdge CS2410 | EIZO株式会社 EIZO製品情報。コンピュータモニターなどの各種映像関連 機器紹介、ビジネスソリューション、ニュース、サポート、EIZO www.eizo.co.jp



SpyderX Datacolor社の日本代理店イメージビジョン株式会社のSpyderX特設ページです。 datacolor.jp


ColorEdge CG2420-Z | EIZO株式会社 EIZO製品情報。コンピュータモニターなどの各種映像関連 機器紹介、ビジネスソリューション、ニュース、サポート、EIZO www.eizo.co.jp

また、たとえばMacBook AirやMacBook Pro、あるいはiMacなど、別のディスプレイをカラーマネジメントしたいときも、前述のSpyderXのようなキャリブレーターが別途必要です。


そしてこのColorEdgeシリーズ、現行シリーズは価格以上のすごいメリットがあります。ユーザーにはもれなく、Quick Color Matchというソフトウェアが無償提供されます。このツールの何がすごいって、プリンタの簡易的なカラーマネジメントまで自動でやってくれます。


しかもダメ押しすると、EIZOの純正モニタは5年ものメーカー長期保証。耐久性がハンパないのです。私はEIZO CX271という機種をもう9年ぐらい使っていますが、未だにほぼ問題ありません。無論、彩度が落ちるなどの経年劣化はみられますが、通常の作業上は何ら支障がないレベルです。







クオリティの高い動画編集も兼ねるのであれば、それこそAdobe RGB対応どころか、DCI-P3対応とかBT.2020対応といった特殊な色空間に対応した上位機種が必要ですが、デジタル写真「だけ」ならエントリーモデルで十分です。


あなたの手持ちの撮影機材で5年、10年と使い続けている機材はどれぐらいありますか? そう考えれば、EIZOのモニタは安い! モニタはEIZO一択! そう憶えておいてください。
